Giving God The Glory Ministries
“Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. Psalm 34:3”

A Special Note to You
Thank you so much for taking the time to learn more about Giving God The Glory Ministries. I hope you will become as passionate and as enthusiastic about our mission as I am. This ministry is very near and dear to my heart. We’re a nonprofit ministry dedicated to delivering quality service to God’s people who are in need of our assistance and support as they face the challenges of daily living.

Our Grief Ministry Program is designed to minister to individuals and families following the death of a loved one. It provides support at the time of death, during the funeral/home going, and lastly aftercare support beyond the funeral and throughout the first year of the grief period.
Our Scholarship Mentoring Programs are designed to help our scholars make wise choices throughout their college years that will positively affect their lives.

Giving God the Glory Ministries proudly offers scholarships for minority high school seniors planning to attend a 2-year community college or a 4-year college/university.
Motivational Speaker
Rev. Gloria is a motivational speaker for churches, Christian conferences, organizations and schools throughout the city and state.
“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.” Rev. Gloria speaks from her heart. And what comes from the heart reaches the heart.

Women Of Prayer (WOP)
Women of Prayer (WOP) is an intercessory prayer support group that consists of 10 women. Our mission is to provide prayer support and encouragement to anyone with a presenting need or request.
GGG Ministries is proud to present the 2024 GGG Ministries $1,000 Adopt A Family Holiday Award to the family of Robin Dickson, a single mother of six, who recently lost her job and is currently unemployed. She is the sole supporter of her six children, 15 year old son, Derrion, 12 year old daughter, Raniyah, 10 year old daughter, R’riale, 8 year old son, Jacion, 6 year old son, Diovami and 9 month old daughter, R’riannah.

2021 Monarch Awards Foundation, Inc. Charitable Organization Award

Woman Of Excellence Award
The recipient of the 2019 Chicago Defender Women of Excellence Award celebrating local African-American women who inspire others through vision and leadership, exceptional achievements and participation in community.
Scholarship Component Ministry
Impact As Of July 2023
Awarding Scholarships
My 2 Sons & Legacy Memorial Scholarships
My 2 Sons & Legacy Memorial Scholarships
My 2 Sons & Legacy Memorial Scholarships
Awarded To Scholars

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Your Support
GGG Ministries Inc., is a tax-exempt 501(C)3 nonprofit organization. So plug into the family of supporters and engage in helping us to encourage God’s people by providing them with the spiritual resources and support needed to face the challenges of daily living.